Different Types Of Brain Cancers, Effects & Treatments
There are up to 120 million subtypes of brain tumors. Many brain tumors like the glioblastoma multiforme are hidden and grow fast. Other brain types like meningioma are benign and grow slowly. Primary brain cancer in the brain cells is classified by cell type or area in the brain where they are present. For instance, astrocytomas develop in the form of star-shaped cells known as astrocytes. Pituitary brain cancer is present in the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. The common primary brain tumors are known gliomas originating in glial (supportive) tissue. Around one-third of all primary brain tumors and other nervous system, tumors are from glial cells. Besides tumors in the brain, cancer can begin or spread to other central nervous system areas (CNS) like the column, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves. Cancer developing in the spinal cord or the surrounding structures is spinal cancer. Most spine tumors are metastatic tumors that move to the spine from another body location...